story telling

story telling
Storytelling = Engaged Students

Our Mission

We sincerely hope that you become as inspired by teaching through the arts as we have. Highlights of our program included doing a solo drama in our class and storytelling. Students really got engaged and their retention of information from these lessons was very high.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Look for Evidence of Growth in Comprehension

Why are 'the arts' such a good place to help develop reading comprehension skills?
Many strategies initiated by an arts integrated program help to promote reading comprehension.

Lets take a look at what kind of evidence to look for from children's responses that would indicate that this deeper level of learning is indeed occurring.


Develop sensory images:
*make pictures in mind
*use multiple senses
*include an emotional component
*adds detail through imagery
*develops a mental model to organize meaning

Building and Activating Schema
*Makes text-to-self connections
*Makes text-to-text connections
*Makes text-to-world connections
*Uses connections to build meaning

*Asks yes or no questions
*Asks higher level questions
*Asks questions to clarify author's intent
*Uses questioning to evolve in his or her thinking

Determining Importance
*Distinguishes between details and essential ideas
*Recognizes important themes

*Communicates emotional content of text
*Has insight into the characters and events of story
*Makes predictions passed on inferences of text
*Creates a personal interpretation
*Discovers author's  implied messages

*Creates a summary of the text
*Discovers commonalities in texts
*Generates new meaning based on author's ideas and own personal interpretations

Mantione, R. Weaving through words: using the arts to teacher reading comprehension strategies.
     2003. International Reading Association. Newark, De.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Welcome to our blogspot. The core standards are coming. Be ahead of the curve and start to integrate the arts into your lessons and you will find that you will be meeting the requirements of the new common core standards.

Look over our lesson plans we have put together for you. There are lots of easy ideas you can start using today. So, what are you waiting for???