When we teach a child to draw,
we teach him how to see.
When we teach a child to play a musical instrument,
we teach her how to listen.
When we teach a child how to dance,
We teach him how to move through life with grace.
When we teach a child how to read or write,
We teach her how to think
When we nurture imagination,
we create a better word, one child at a time.
-Jane Alexander (as cited in Cornett, 1998, p.79)
Cornett, C.E. (1998).The arts as meaning makers: Integrating liturature and the arts
throughout the curriculum. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice-Hall.
Teacher's Blog - Our goal is to get you excited about teaching reading through arts integration. We want you thinking smarter, not harder. By teaching reading comprehension through arts integration, you have the opportunity to reach a larger audience of students and allow all of your students to have a much deeper understanding when it comes to reading comprehension. We have also referenced both the California ELA standards as well as the new California Core Standards.
story telling

Storytelling = Engaged Students
Our Mission
We sincerely hope that you become as inspired by teaching through the arts as we have. Highlights of our program included doing a solo drama in our class and storytelling. Students really got engaged and their retention of information from these lessons was very high.