story telling

story telling
Storytelling = Engaged Students

Our Mission

We sincerely hope that you become as inspired by teaching through the arts as we have. Highlights of our program included doing a solo drama in our class and storytelling. Students really got engaged and their retention of information from these lessons was very high.

K-1st grade Solo Drama Lesson

Solo Drama
There is no way your students will forget information that you presented while you were doing a solo drama. They will be so engaged in the experience because they are so personally involved that they will absorb everything you say.

Photos of Solo St. Lucia Solo Drama


Part A- Tell children that today a special visitor will be coming to visit the class from Sweden. (While children are working on suitcases depart and change for Solo Drama)
Re-enter class as Central Character, Anika, celebrant to St. Lucia.
Re-enter classroom as the teacher. Pull students together to recap what occurred. Pass out St. Lucia cut and paste activity that was provided by the Central Character, Anika.Worksheets for St. Lucia Lesson
Give directions on how to complete the cut and paste reinforcing to use the correct colors for the different parts of the picture.
While students are working on cut and paste activity, pull students individually to provide dictation for assessment purposes.
Part B- Read story, Kirsten’s Surprise, A Christmas Story. Kirsten's Surprise - A Christmas Story
Book-Kirsten’s Surprise: A Christmas Story by Janet Beeler Shaw
 While reading stop periodically and make reference to similarities and differences between what Anika shared and what is in the book.
 i.e. Does Kirsten’s costume look the same as Anika’s did?
     Why was Kirsten chosen to be St. Lucia in her house?
     Is there anything else that you notice is the same about Kirsten and Anika?
     What do you notice that is different about Kirsten and Anika?
After reading the book, share the Kirsten doll in the St. Lucia costume. Continue questioning about what they see. Have them share similarities and differences.
Part C- Written Response- Hand out the St. Lucia writing response paper (Appendix F)
Ask students to offer suggestions about what we should write on this journal page today. Read the words Sweden and St. Lucia with the students that are on the writing prompt. Once a sentence has been formulated:
i.e. In Sweden, they celebrate St. Lucia Day.
Use the document camera to model the sentence writing. Emphasize capital letter at the beginning of the sentence. Model doing a “bunny hop” between each word. Have students use the words on the paper to help them spell. Encourage phonetic spelling for the word celebrate. Have students help you sound this word out and write it as they sound it out.  Writing Sample
When students have finished writing their sentence, they are to draw a picture of St. Lucia on their papers. Tell them to put as many details as they can and to try and use appropriate colors from what they learned.

Common Core Standards Addressed:
Reading Standards for Literature-1-4, 7, 9, 10.
California State Standards Addressed:
2.0 Reading Comprehension
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
2.2       Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content.
2.3       Connect to life experiences the information and events in texts.
2.4       Retell familiar stories.
2.5       Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
3.1       Distinguish fantasy from realistic text.
3.2       Identify types of everyday print materials (e.g., storybooks, poems, newspapers, signs, labels).
3.3       Identify characters, settings, and important events.

1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies
Students listen and respond to oral communication. They speak in clear and coherent sentences.
1.2       Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.
Theatre Arts California State Standards Addressed:
Comprehension and Analysis of the Elements of Theatre
1.2 Identify differences between real people and imaginary characters.
Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of Theatre
Role and Cultural Significance of Theatre
3.1 Identify the cultural and geographic origins of stories.
Students analyze the role and development of theatre, film/video, and electronic media in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting diversity as it relates to theatre.
Critical Assessment of Theatre 
4.1 Respond appropriately to a theatrical experience as an audience member.
Derivation of Meaning from Works of Theatre
4.2 Compare a real story with a fantasy story.
Critical Assessment of Theatre
4.1 Describe what was liked about a theatrical work or a story.
Derivation of Meaning from Works of Theatre
4.2 Identify and discuss emotional reactions to a theatrical experience.
4.2 Respond to a live performance with appropriate audience behavior.


  1. I love this video clip. I firmly believe if a student has an opportunity to experience an event with a realistic dramatized performance, they are more likely to remember the information given. I loved watching this dramatization. I would love to see a student follow up lesson to see what they actually remembered from the visit. Perhaps and drawing or a journal entry with what they remembered from Anika's visit.

    1. Dear Sandi,
      I have now posted the follow-up lesson and journal entry. Take a look.

  2. Thank you, sandialba, for your suggestions. We will look through our materials and see if we still have student product from this lesson. We will also be posting more solo drama video clips, as well as video clips of the other strategies, shortly. Keep checking back for new material. We just launched this blog and still have many more things we want to include.
